View a better-formatted version of our newsletter on our website.
Please Donate by December 10th! PST Coaches’ Holiday Gift |
Please see the Team Unify message from November 22 for more information about our holiday gift drive.Thank you to those who have already donated! If you haven’t yet, please join your fellow PST families in this annual tradition of thanking our coaches with a monetary gift for the holidays. The deadline for the coaches' gift is this TUESDAY, Dec 10th. Ways to Donate: Zelle: (510) 508-7781 Venmo: @Erin-Schultz-9 (last 4 digits 7781) PayPal: @erinschultz1 Feel free to reach out to Erin Schultz with any questions! |
Important: Renew Your Swimmers USA-Swimming Membership for 2025 |
Your swimmer must be in good standing with USA Swimming to participate in swim meets, travel meets, swim camps, and any PST-sponsored activities, such as practices and social events. USA Swimming Memberships expire on December 31st, and you are responsible for renewing your swimmer's membership. Click here to renew your swimmers’ USA-Swimming membership for 2025. PST has bulked renewed non-athlete memberships for Officials, Board members, chaperones, and coaches. Please contact Coach Stefan if your non-athlete USA-Swimming membership has not been renewed. |
Zachary’s Pizza Fundraiser |
HOLIDAY PARTY Zachary’s Pizza on Grand Avenue Tuesday, December 17 Team Fundraiser all day from 11 - 8:30 In person or take out orders, no 3rd party delivery services. This Flyer is required for the donation to count! Families are invited to dine-in starting at 5:00 Parent *happy hour* from 7:30 - 8:30 at the bar >All attendees must purchase their own food and drinks< |
Spring and Summer Schedule |
As you plan your and your swimmer's spring and summer, please refer to our meet calendar for important dates, such as swim-a-thon, club championships, Reno Meet, RESL Meet, etc. We hope to have as many swimmers participate in these super fun team events as possible. |
This Week: |
Fri, 12/13 |
Titanium practice from 4-6pm at MSC. We have to move practice forward. |
Sat & Sun, 12/14-16: |
All practices are canceled due to the SRVA meet. Exception: Swimmers attending sectionals have practice as communicated. |
Sat & Sun, 12/14-16: |
SRVA C/B/BB Meet. 120+ PST swimmers have registered to compete. Meet Jobs will open on Monday, December 9th at 8pm and close at midnight on Wednesday, December 11th. Please sign up early if you have a registered swimmer and have circumstances where you need a specific job. All open jobs will be assigned on Thursday, December 12th. Warm-Up Times: Platinum & Titanium @ 7:30am Gold & Silver @ 8am Blue & Bronze @ 8:20am |
Next Week: |
12/16-1/1: |
PST on Winter Break. All practices are canceled. |
12/17: |
Zachary’s Holiday Pizza Party Fundraiser. Details above. All day fundraiser with this flyer. |
12/19-22: |
CA/NV Winter Sectionals. All qualifiers to attend. Congratulations to our qualifiers so far: Charlotte L., Connor C., Cole C., Evan B., Owen B., Asher T., Nathan J., Baran W. |
Important Dates, Cancellations, and Practice Updates: |
12/27-1/4: |
Winter Training Camp. |
1/2 - 1/5: |
PST Stroke Clinics at Mills. To start the new year, we will offer stroke clinics to all groups (Green through Titanium). Space is limited, and RSVP is required. Registration will open on our website soon, and a separate email with details will be sent shortly. Schedule: Thur-Sat: 9-11am at Mills Sun: 8-10am at Mills |
1/6/25: |
PST New Year’s Party. At Sports Basement in Berkeley. Details coming soon! |
1/6/25: |
Swim-a-Thon Campaign Kick Off. |
3/8: |
Team Photos 10:00 - 12:00 at Mills. Swimmers attend their regular practice times and stay for team photos. |
3/29: |
Swim-a-Thon All-day Event - Save the Date. Please note: this is the first Saturday of OUSD’s spring break. For OUSD families who would like to participate, please plan accordingly. We’re hoping for high participation in this fun team event! |
Safe Sport: |
There is a lot of talk about resiliency these days, and that includes with kids, and raising kids to be resilient. They face various levels of stressors from school, friends, and extracurricular activities - some of which can be controlled, others that are less within their control. Especially at this time of year when we are all extra-busy, it may be worth slowing down to read this New York Times article on understanding more about teen coping mechanisms, and when to intervene, or not intervene. Enjoy! |
This Week’s Top Tip: |
A few tips to help meets go smoothly:
- Arrive early enough for your swimmer to check-in as they arrive at the meet. Forgetting to check-in can result in not being allowed to swim. (Don’t forget a sharpie so that they can write their event numbers on their hand!)
- When heat and lanes are posted, have your swimmer write these on their hand next to their event number, and then have them head straight over to give this information to their coaches.
- Swimmers need to check in with their coach straight after each event.
Meets: View our meet schedule for the 2024/25 Season here. Most recent update to meet schedule: 12/6/24 |
1/11-12: |
C/B/BB Meet (host: CROW). Blue through Gold swimmers should attend. |
1/25-26: |
Senior Open Meet (host: Orinda). Platinum and Titanium swimmers should attend. |
2/1-2: |
Zone 2 Championships (Location: TBA). Blue through Gold swimmers should attend. Platinum swimmers who did NOT attend the Senior Open Meet in January should also attend. |
2/15-16: |
Senior Open Prelims and Finals Meet (host: QSS). Platinum and Titanium swimmers should attend. This meet will require Senior Open Times. Book a hotel to stay nearby. |
2/28-3/2: |
C/B/BB Meet (host: VJO). Blue through Gold Swimmers should attend. |
3/14-16: |
14&Under Spring Age Group Champs (location: Pleasanton). All qualifiers should attend. |
3/22-23: |
C/B/BB Meet (host: AAA). Green through Platinum should attend. |
3/31-4/6: |
SCY Senior Western Zone Championships (location: St. George, UT). Team travel meet. All qualifiers should attend. |
4/3-4/6: |
SCY Far Western Championships (location: Pleasanton). All qualifiers who are not going to Utah should attend. |
[HOLIDAY] Marketplace: |
Get your swimmer some new gear for the new year, or pass on outgrown items to younger teammates. If you’re in the market for new or used items, here are two great options: ********* SPORTS BASEMENT SHOPPING EVENT ********* Sports Basement has offered our team an exclusive Holiday Shopping Coupon good from December 5 - December 15th. Basementeers save 20% (non-basementeers save 11%) off. Shop in person with this coupon or online with code: PIEDMONTSWIM. ********* PST MARKETPLACE ********* The PST Marketplace is always open! Sell, exchange or give away new or used swim items. Add and find items here: PST Marketplace |
Team Records: |
Our team records can be viewed on our website. |
Pacific Swimming Athlete Leadership Summit Takeaways |
Asher Takazawa and Nathan Judy are our Athlete Representatives for Pacific Swimming. They attended this year's Pacific Swimming’s Leadership Summit and would like to share their takeaways with our membership. Please share their thoughtful article with your swimmers, as it contains helpful information on mental preparedness and nutrition. |
Important - Parking, drop-off, and pick-up at MSC: |
PARKING at Montclair Swim Club: Do not park in the STAFF ONLY spaces. These 3 spaces between the entrance and the bike rack are only for Staff and Repair & Maintenance. PLEASE park along Thornhill Drive only and walk your child into the pool area. PLEASE refrain from stopping in the street on Woodhaven Way or near the Staff only parking area - even for drop-offs or pick-ups. Thank you for all your cooperation this week and every week. |